Essential Oils For Warts
Everyone has seen or experienced a wart in their lifetime. These growths are often unsightly and most people want to get rid of them, particularly if they are in a visible place. Understanding what causes warts, and what the conventional treatments are for them, will help you to decide whether or not an essential oil will be the appropriate treatment, and if not, what the appropriate treatment would be. Although warts can sometimes reappear after treatment, there is a chance of getting rid of them forever with some essential oil treatments.
Conventional Treatments for Warts
Generally, treatments for warts are over-the-counter medications. One of the most common methods for removing warts is by using a treatment which
freezes the wart so that you can remove it, but there are also salicylic-acid treatments that are effective. Even with these over-the-counter solutions, warts can sometimes come back.
What Causes Warts?
Warts are benign tumors that are caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV). There are more than one hundred different types of HPV and they are sometimes identified because they are on a specific part of the body. The part of the body where the warts are found often helps you determine which HPV virus it is. So, as an example, some warts are found on the face, and others grow on the hands or feet. There may be a genetic link, but sometimes just one member of the family has warts. That is even more surprising when you know that warts are somewhat contagious.
Symptoms of Warts
Warts are generally very easy to identify. The symptom is the wart itself, but there are certain types of HPV virus found on particular body parts that will allow you to determine what type of wart it is. For example, plantar warts are the ones found on the soles of the feet. Another type of wart is called variable periungual and it is a specific type of wart that can be found underneath the finger or toe nails. Flat warts are often the most common warts that are found on the body; they appear on flat surfaces like the face, arms or any other part of the body that is on a flat plane. Finally, filiform warts are those that are found on the face, but that are elongated and have an extended stalk, which makes it easy to identify them.
Essential Oil Application for Warts
When it comes to application techniques, there is one way that seems to be most effective for dealing with warts using essential oils. Depending on the particular oil, you can either apply the oil “neat”, which means applied by itself with no other agents mixed in, or you can add it to a carrier oil and then rub it onto the wart. However, some people find success with diffusing the essential oil with their workspace. These essential oils can also be ingested in some cases as part of a supplement, if you prefer to use essential oils orally.
Essential Oils to Treat Warts
These are the essential oils that have been shown to treat warts – including all of the types listed above and using the application methods outlined.
Oregano Essential Oil
Oregano essential oil is the first oil that you should consider. You can use oregano essential oil neat but it may be irritating to the skin so you might want to mix a little carrier oil with it. You can also take this particular oil as part of a supplement or you can use a diffuser if you prefer.
Cinnamon Essential Oil
An interesting thing about cinnamon essential oil is that it boosts your immune system and has antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties as well. You can take this one of three ways: You can either breathe in directly (but it should be diluted), you can take it as a supplemental diffuse it into the air.
Clove Essential Oil
Clove essential oil is an interesting treatment. You really have to be careful when using it because you can get sick with too much. You can use a very small amount orally, taken as supplement, or disperse it in a diffuser. Clove should never be given to children however, because no matter what the amount, they may get sick.
Rosemary Essential Oil
Rosemary essential oil is great for removing warts; the best way to use it is topically, dabbing it onto the wart itself. You only want to use a tiny bit of rosemary if you’re going to use it that way. When a wart is painful, rosemary is a great treatment because it relieves the pain as well as healing the wart. However, this comes with the caveat that it shouldn’t be used by women who are pregnant or nursing or by those who have epilepsy. Rosemary can also be used diffused, in airborne form.
Tea Tree Essential Oil
Tea tree oil is one of the standards when it comes to treating skin conditions. Tea tree oil can aid in the treatment of all kinds of skin problems like: acne, dry skin, and of course, warts. It should be a short-term treatment though because if you use it long-term you can develop sensitivity to it.
Eucalyptus Essential Oil
Eucalyptus is a treatment that works great for the occasional wart, but it is most effective for those warts that keep coming back, or for people that have new warts appearing regularly. Never use Eucalyptus orally or topically without diluting it beforehand. You can get very sick by using Eucalyptus neat. If you dilute it, you can use it orally or topically but you can also diffuse it if you prefer.
Lavender Essential Oil
Lavender is really good for the body and for the mind. It is also an effective treatment for warts. You can either use it by dabbing a small amount on the wart or in airborne form by diffusing it in a small space.
Neroli Essential Oil
Neroli can be used in a diffuser or you can use it topically on the wart itself, like lavender and other oils. You can use Neroli oil neat without any carrier oils. There are no side effects that come from Neroli, and besides helping to treat warts, it makes you feel peaceful and calm.
Thyme Essential Oil
When it comes to essential oils that treat warts, there is almost nothing better than thyme. Thyme essential oil can be used any way you like, without diluting it including diffusion, ingestion or applying it topically to the wart itself. However, it should not be used by children under the age of 12, nor should it be used by women who are pregnant or nursing. Finally, those with high blood pressure should avoid the use of thyme.
Tangerine Essential Oil
Tangerine essential oil can also be used in one of the ways discussed in other oils on this list. You don’t need to add it to a carrier oil, as there are no side effects. The best way to use it is probably by applying it topically, and it is an effective treatment for most types of warts. In addition to treating skin problems with a topical application, ingesting or diffusing it will produce a mild euphoric feeling.
Cypress Essential Oil
You can use cypress oil topically on your warts. It is a great remedy for this particular problem because of the way that it cleans and disinfects, as well as helps to normalize circulation. You can use it neat with no side effects and while it is probably best used topically, you can diffuse it if you prefer.
Frankincense Essential Oil
Frankincense oil and should be diluted with some sort of carrier oil but if you use it topically it is one of the most effective treatments on this list for wart; the reason being because it opens up the pores of the skin and allows your skin to get enough oxygen. This can be helpful in removing warts and keeping them from coming back.
Lemon Essential Oil
It is the antibacterial qualities of lemon essential oil that make it the perfect remedy for warts. There are a couple of things to keep in mind. Ingest it only in small amounts or you can use a topical application if you prefer, but do not apply lemon essential oil on your warts if you’re planning to go out in the sun because it could make you susceptible to sunburn.